How Evinent Search Increases Sales Conversions by 30% or More

If a site owner cares about a user's attitude towards the brand, there will definitely be an intelligent search engine on their web page. What is this for? First of all, a smart search engine ensures that people can find what they need. If they don't find what they are looking for, they will just go somewhere else and increase your competitors' revenue.

It's not enough to have a search function on your site. It should help find goods easily according to the customer's question. It often happens that there is a product on the site, but a customer cannot find it through search because the system doesn't recognize synonyms, morphological errors, etc.

Intelligent search engine Evinent Search always understands customers' questions and improves customers' attitude towards the company.

3 Key Features of Evinent Search

You should know that buyers who use search bars make purchases 2.4 times more often. These shoppers are the customers your business needs to increase revenue Therefore, you need to integrate search into your internet resource to increase the sales growth of your company.

  1. Evinent Search understands YOUR customers
  2. Evinent Search analyzes results
  3. Evinent Search increases sales conversion rates

Let us explain exactly how the magic happens…

3 Key Features of Evinent Search

Search that understands YOUR customers

Our smart search has a number of features that make it easy to understand customers and provide accurate results:

  1. Autocomplete: This function offers product options so that customers can choose the ones they need without finishing the search.
  2. Relevant results and custom filters: Users can customize a search by specific parameters, such as size, shape, price, or product type.
  3. Correction of spelling errors: People in a hurry may omit words or misspell them. With Evinent Search, your site will understand a person even if there are typos. This means that your customer can easily find the right product anyway.
  4. Adjustment of letters and results for close variants: Evinent Search will produce results even if the words are not written in the same order as on the website by looking for common roots.
  5. Understanding of phrases: This function means that the search engine will understand phrases that are written with a space or hyphen between words by reading derivatives.
  6. Keyboards: Evinent Search can still recognize queries that are written with an incorrect keyboard layout.
  7. Search by synonym: This is very useful option that helps customers find similar products by using the synonym system.

The Evinent Search intelligent system also offers a search history. The user will see their latest searches. This is convenient when a person has already visited your site but for some reason left at an earlier date. When the customer returns, they will see that you care about them because you are offering a simplified search experience. Your customers will feel better about the user experience and become loyal to your online store.

Search that analyzes results

Today, it's not enough to simply have a smart search. Since it's also important to analyze phrases and words that users enter, Evinent Search offers search analytics that audit queries, generate charts and tables, and show customer behavior on your site. This is very important information for understanding your target audience and identifying the needs of customers.

Competent analytics is a gateway to increasing revenue. It helps you avoid lost customers and missed sales. Analytics help you understand the demand for products and identify which products are better to keep in stock. With analytics, you can forecast revenue and analyze which products are in demand.

Search that increases sales conversions

With smart search and analytics, you can rapidly increase your sales. Customers will be able to easily find the products they are looking for on your site. They will then become regular customers and shop more often.

This is how customer loyalty to the brand is created, which increases the likelihood that site visitors will come back to make more purchases. Therefore, it's not surprising that sales will grow, and you will have more opportunities to promote your products.

This is not a myth. You can achieve incredible results by improving your search functionality. Check out our reviews to see what our customers have to say and how we have helped them to grow and increase their revenue.

You can also try the free version of our tool right now and see for yourself how we can help you!

We are Evinent
We transform outdated systems into future-ready software and develop custom, scalable solutions with precision for enterprises and mid-sized businesses.
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