Search engines are smart machines that provide quick answers. They exist to discover, understand, and organize web content to offer the most relevant results to users' questions.

If your site can't be found, there's no way you'll ever show up in the results page.

The same is true for online shops and other e-commerce companies that need to maximize effectiveness and revenue by helping their potential customers find the right products and services on their websites.

Search Engines Solutions for Your Website

How do search engines work?

Search engines have three primary functions:

Crawling: Watching the Internet for content and looking over the content for each URL they find.

Index: Store the content found during the crawling process. As soon as page is in the index, it's in the running to be shown as a result to relevant queries.

Rank: Provide the pieces of content that will best fit a query, which means that results are ranked from most relevant to least.

Crawling is the discovery process in which search engines send out bots (crawlers) to find updated content. Content can vary. It can be a webpage, an image, a video, a PDF document, etc. Content is discovered by links.

Website search engines: a customer retention tool

To determine relevance, search engines use algorithms that have gone through many changes over the years in order to improve the quality of search results.

That is why it's essential that your website has a clear navigation system, helpful URL folder structures, and smart engine features to understand semantic differences and common typos.

Web resources that sell products and services, such as online shops, need to audit the efficiency of search tools to ensure proper functionality.

Evinent Search helps companies by providing reliable search algorithms that allow customers to find the right products in seconds without worrying about spelling and typos. This ease of use leads to increased revenue and improved performance.

Evinent customer data analytics highlights what people are looking for on your site.

It's important to understand that customers will not wait long to find the right product before moving on to another site, store, or company.

Automated prediction is the answer to effective online selling in the e-commerce arena.

We are Evinent
We transform outdated systems into future-ready software and develop custom, scalable solutions with precision for enterprises and mid-sized businesses.
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